Tuesday, September 16, 2008

bacon + chocolate = sweet bacon love

Some things are just meant to go together...wine and cigarettes, JT and Timbaland, flying and xanax, bacon and chocolate.

My husband found this sweet treat at Old Town Balducci's, where they carry Vosges, and first of all, I could hardly contain myself when he brought one of these little babies home to me. Freakin genius! Not only that, but it is to die for. It sounds a teensy bit crazy, but it's along the lines of maple syrup and bacon – sweet and savory. And, the bacon in the chocolate bar couldn't be any more perfect. The little chunks of bacon are a crispy/chewy combo, accompanied by morsels of salty bursts. They're a bit pricey at $7 a bar, but the flavor explosion is worth every penny. A match made in heaven.

Find these bacon beauties at Balducci's or Biagio at 1904 18th St. in DC, thanks Erika :)